Global Expansion
Ready to expand throughout the USA & worldwide
We are now ready to take these greenhouse structures and the technologies to stamp out this model worldwide.
In Groveland, Florida, the seed of our think tank headquarters, one 350,000 square foot greenhouse can be fully built out every 6-9 months. Each part of the structure is fully custom engineered for optimal output and a blueprint is in place for duplicate structures to follow. The internal layout can be customized for each and every specific plant, whether hydroponically, aeroponically, in our OrganicaWorld grow medium, or even in soil.
Detailed plans are in place to duplicate this model greenhouse park in other areas around the globe along with field crop strategies to get the maximum crop output using our technologies.
We are collaborating with industry leaders for grow contracts on a global scale in the food, fragrance, beverage, flavors, nutraceuticals, cosmeceutical industries. We welcome you to join us as, together, we change The Future of Farming Today™.